We all know any kind of casework can be extremely stressful.
Case managers and social workers can sometimes carry caseloads of 50 to over
100 cases in a given situation. The
pressure to keep up with all of the documentation, getting basic job tasks done
and maintaining a high level of customer service can have a significant impact
on your physical and mental health. After almost 20 years in the human services field,
I have come up with a few tips to maintain your own sanity as a professional in
this field.
You’re not Superman/Woman
When I first entered
the mental field I tried to solve every problem and address every issue with
the same intensity. I found out quickly that this is next to impossible. It is
important to pace yourself. Prioritize responsibilities and delegate some when
possible. Trying to resolve every problem all at once will all but guarantee
You Can’t Please
Another tip is to understand that you can’t please everyone
all of the time. There are just some situations that will not end in customer
or even employer satisfaction no matter how hard you try. In situations involving
large caseloads, there will always be someone in need or problems that need to
be solved. You will rarely have a long period of time where everyone is happy
and satisfied with services. Remember that people require mental health or
other support services for a reason and they depend on you for stability.
You’re Not Perfect
(And never will be)
No one is perfect. And spoiler alert: You will never be. Of course you should still try your best to
get things done and do as much as you can for your clients. My advice is just
not to beat yourself up over not having everything perfect. Human service
professionals face some of the most unrealistic expectations. These expectations likely continue to become
even more unrealistic with increased regulations and more pressure to meet
these guidelines in order to be reimbursed from Medicaid and other funding
Natural Consequences
are Okay
Sometimes natural consequences can help resolve difficult
situations. Often times as clinicians we try so hard to help difficult clients
that we run ourselves ragged. I have learned that natural consequences for behaviors
such as crimes and other inappropriate behaviors tend to have a greater
long-term effect. These consequences could include loss of employment,
suspensions from programs, and incarceration in some cases. In many cases (not
all), these consequences were enough to initiate long-term change and
improvements in behavior.
Try not to take work
This is one where I definitely need to take my own advice.
Although it’s sometimes unavoidable, try not to bring work home or let it carry
into quality time with family or spill into quality free time for yourself.