Many of my posts come directly from questions I receive every day from parents who have a special needs child, family member, or friend who is in need of support services. One of the questions have been getting recently is “When should I get a case manager?” I’ve heard parents say they have been told that their child didn’t need a case manager until they graduate from high school. Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Some feel that they should get case management soon after an official diagnosis. I tend to agree with the latter. Obtaining support early is critical to getting the adequate care. This is especially true in cash strapped states where mental health and developmental services are limited.
Early intervention services may play a significant role in improving child development. In addition, the case manager can link the family to therapy services and resources outside of the school setting. I would suggest case management services or some kind of service coordination for any child diagnosed with autism or developmental delay. Case management services can also come in the form of private agencies that can also provide linkage to community resources. There are also many private advocacy agencies that can also help assist with finding services.
Mental health case management services are also critical in
the early stages of life. Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder,
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Depression need case
management services to be linked to the appropriate counseling and/or
medication management services.
Intellectual disability case management usually provides
case management services for individuals who are age six and older in most
states. An updated psychological evaluation is needed to determine the level of
intellectual disability. Depending on the level of disability and need, active
case management may be needed to provide linkage to community resources.
Parents usually feel that they can manage the situation while the child is
young and in school most of the day. However, becoming familiar with the
disability system early can make the transition easier when the child is an
adult and needs residential and/or day support services. My suggestion is to
request case management services as early as possible. In relatively stable
situations, the case manager may only be monitoring for several years while the
child is in school. It may not seem necessary at the time but those last 2-3
years of school can creep up fast and having a case manager already in place is
critical to the transition to adult services.
Benefits of Case
Management Services
The benefits of getting case management services established
early provides an opportunity to get linked to services and benefits earlier in
life. Early intervention has proven to help in the overall development and
opens the door for more services. A case manager can provide additional resources
in addition to resources available through the school system. Case management
can also assist with placement on wait lists for services. Depending on the
state, early placement can be critical to getting adult services in place at
the appropriate time.
In my work as a case manager I have seen people come in
their 40’s and 50’s who have never had any services after high school. I find
this difficult to believe that someone could go through school from age 5 to 22
in some cases and never get referred for case management or at least be
informed of services that may be available beyond school. Unfortunately, we
only see these individuals when a parent or primary caregiver dies or is no
longer able to provide adequate care. There is usually some sort of crisis
situation that brings them into our services in this situation. This makes it
extremely difficult to address a major crisis when the individual has never
been in the system. Services may be delayed due to the amount of documentation
required to open a new case. Limited service history also makes it more
difficult to complete social history information and develop thorough assessments.